Story Slurp

3 easy ways to get out of a rut in your business and life

Episode Summary

Feeling stuck? If you keep getting the same results in your business or life and are sick of it, it can be hard to know how to shake things up and feel like you're heading in a positive direction again. I've been there too! Here are three tools/easy ways of climbing out of that annoying rut and help to feel some momentum again - without feeling overwhelmed.

Episode Notes

Feeling stuck? If you keep getting the same results in your business or life and are sick of it, it can be hard to know how to shake things up and feel like you're heading in a positive direction again.  I've been there too!

Here are three tools/easy ways of climbing out of that annoying rut and help to feel some momentum again - without feeling overwhelmed:

Give those ideas a whirl, and let me know how you get on.  My email is and I'd love to hear how you get on! 

Find out more about Creative Slurp and what I offer small business owners here.