Story Slurp

How to find your TRUE Creative Calling with Kerry Lyons

Episode Summary

Are you REALLY satisfied in your Creative Career? Are you doing the thing you always really wanted to do, or are you compromising somehow? Kerry Lyons is a Creative Business Coach - her goal is to help everyone find their true Creative calling - because in her experience, many creatives end up in other creative roles that aren’t quite the perfect fit for them. In this episode, she tells her story and gives tips on how to get back on the right creative track if you’re finding yourself unfulfilled. As a creative myself, I found this whole topic fascinating and I hope you do too.

Episode Notes

Are you REALLY satisfied in your Creative career?
Are you doing the thing you always really wanted to do, or are you compromising somehow?

Kerry Lyons is a Creative Business Coach - her goal is to help everyone find their 'true creative calling' - because in her experience, many creatives end up in other creative roles that aren’t quite the perfect fit for them. 

In this episode, she tells her story and gives tips on how to get back on the right creative track if you’re finding yourself unfulfilled. 

As a creative myself, I found this whole topic fascinating and I hope you do too...

To find out more about Kerry, check out her website here.

And if you want to book onto a Pick and Mix Workshop with Victoria Brown, you can find out more here.