Story Slurp

Using great PR to survive a recession with Rosie Davies-Smith from PR Dispatch

Episode Summary

When the going gets tough do you a) Curl up in a ball under the duvet or b) Put yourself out there even more? In this episode of Creative Slurp Podcast meet Rosie Davies-Smith - founder of PR Dispatch - she believes that to survive a recession we should all be making our businesses even more visible, using the power of PR. Find out about Rosie’s business journey from budding textile designer to PR guru and how she overcame problems with postnatal insomnia. Plus fill your glasses with some juicy PR tips you can use in your business. Enjoy!

Episode Notes

When the going gets tough do you a) Curl up in a ball under the duvet or b) Put yourself out there even more?

In this episode of Creative Slurp Podcast meet Rosie Davies-Smith - founder of PR Dispatch - she believes that to survive a recession we should all be making our businesses even more visible, using the power of PR.

Find out about Rosie’s business journey from budding textile designer to PR guru and how she overcame problems with postnatal insomnia. Plus fill your glasses with some juicy PR tips you can use in your business. Enjoy!

Find out more about PR Dispatch and what they do here.