If you're a regular listener to this show, you'll know that at the end of June I set myself a challenge - to draw or paint for 30 days. Now, if you're an artist (or even if you're not) you may think this is no big deal. But...for me, it was. Even as a creative I had been telling myself for 25 years that I couldn't draw or paint, and would even feel like an imposter walking down the art aisle in the craft store. I decided a few weeks ago that enough was enough. I needed to address this limiting belief that was slowly oozing its toxicity into my mind and normalise drawing and painting for myself. In this episode find out what I learned about drawing and painting, but mostly what I learned about myself and why I love 30-day challenges so much for overturning limiting beliefs.
If you're a regular listener to this show, you'll know that at the end of June I set myself a challenge - to draw or paint for 30 days.
Now, if you're an artist (or even if you're not) you may think this is no big deal. But...for me, it was.
Even as a creative I had been telling myself for 25 years that I couldn't draw or paint, and would even feel like an imposter walking down the art aisle in the craft store. I decided a few weeks ago that enough was enough. I needed to address this limiting belief that was slowly oozing its toxicity into my mind and normalise drawing and painting for myself.
In this episode find out what I learned about drawing and painting, but mostly what I learned about myself and why I love 30-day challenges so much for overturning limiting beliefs.